11 card games with the Spanish deck for family fun

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11 card games with the Spanish deck for family fun

11 card games with the Spanish deck for family fun

Playing cards is a very fun and educational activity , which brings great benefits to children and adults. Through this type of game, mental calculation, logical thinking, memory and concentration capacity are trained, as well as strengthening emotional ties .

Most of us have a deck of Spanish cards at home, as it is not only a very cheap game, but it is especially practical and comfortable when playing anytime, anywhere. But if that’s not your case, you can also take a look at the multiple card game apps that you’ll find, both for Android and Apple.

Today we propose 11 card games with the Spanish deck to enjoy with your family , or virtually with your friends. We have ordered them from least to greatest degree of difficulty, and each proposal is accompanied by a YouTube video tutorial to learn in a practical and simple way how to play.

1) The donkey

  • Purpose of the game : It is a very simple game, perfect for beginners or younger children (between five and six years old). The goal is to get all four cards in my hand to be of the same suit.
  • Number of cards needed : the number of cards to play with must be adjusted, since each player receives four cards and there is no deck. Thus, depending on the number of players, you will need the full deck of 40 cards (in the case of 10 players) or at least 16 cards (in the case of four players).
  • Number of players : between four and ten players. It is one of the games that allows the largest number of participants , so it is perfect to enjoy with the family.
  • Specifications : before starting the game, the cards to be played must be chosen, depending on the number of players. For example, if there are four players we must choose the four numbers of the four suits with which we are going to play.

2) The liar

  • Purpose of the game : this is a very simple and fun game, perfect for children from the age of five or six. The objective is to discard all the cards you have in your hand and fool all your opponents, hence its name.
  • Number of cards needed : for this game we will need the 40 cards from the Spanish deck.
  • Number of players : from two to ten players, which is perfect for family enjoyment .
  • Specifications : aces are wild cards, that is, they are worth any card in the deck.

3) The square

  • Purpose of the game : This game is considered as a version of “El Burro”, although a little more complex. In any case, its dynamic is very simple, which allows it to be played with children from the age of six. The objective is to get a square, that is, four cards of the same number, and for your playing partner to say the word “square” before your opponents guess and intercept it.
  • Number of cards needed : for this game we will need the 40 cards from the Spanish deck.
  • Number of players : it is a game to be played exclusively in pairs . At least four players are needed to play on two teams.

The game pairs must face each other. Four cards are dealt to each player and four cards are placed face up on the table. Being clear about the final objective of the game, all the players will have to exchange the cards they have in their hand for the ones they are interested in from the table, acting faster than the opponent and always having four cards in their hand.

When the four cards placed face up no longer interest any player, they will be discarded and replaced by another four. And so on.

When one of the two members of the pair has managed to square, they must notify their partner with the secretly agreed non-verbal signal before starting the game (for example, touching their ear, yawning, scratching…). The opposite member of the pair must notice this signal and say the word “square” to score the point, but the opponents could also notice your secret language, in which case they would say “short square” and you would lose the game.

4) The sixes

  • Purpose of the game : it is a very simple game based mainly on chance, which is why it is perfect for introducing the little ones to card games , and is especially recommended for children over the age of six. The objective is to get rid of the cards you have in your hand before the others by making a straight.
  • Number of cards needed : for this game we will need the 40 cards from the Spanish deck. It can also be played with the 48-card deck.
  • Number of players : the most recommended is to play between four and eight players, which also makes it a perfect game to enjoy with the family.

5) The cinquillo

  • Purpose of the game : it is one of the easiest games of the Spanish deck, and like the previous one, we can play it with children from six years old . It consists of making stairs in an ascending or descending direction from a card with the number five that is on the table. The player who runs out of cards first wins.
  • Number of cards needed : for this game we will need the 40 cards from the Spanish deck.
  • Number of players : between two and six.
  • Specifications : the player who has the five of coins starts the game.

6) Sucker

  • Purpose of the game : this is a fun and dynamic card game that we have all played in our childhood, being especially suitable for children from eight years old . The objective is to run out of cards before your opponent, discarding you according to the suit or the number indicated by the card that is revealed on the table.
  • Number of cards needed : for this game we will need the 40 cards from the Spanish deck.
  • Number of players : between two and four players.
  • Specifications : There are several special cards, depending on their number. The ace means you roll again, while the jack skips the turn to the next player or changes the direction of the game. The number two card causes the next player to draw two cards from the deck, and the number three card causes the next player to draw four cards. The number 12 or king allows you to play another card of any other suit to change the trend of the game.

Seven cards are dealt to each player , with the rest remaining face down on the table. The top card is drawn from the deck and placed face up for all to see. This card will be the one that determines the suit. From this moment on, each player will throw on the table a card of the same indicated suit, and if he does not have one, he will have to take two cards from the deck (hence the name of the game).

You can also change the dominant suit by throwing a card of the same number as the one on the table, but of a different suit. And from that moment on, all players must attend to the new suit. Check out more at our site Prince Blog.

You have to pay attention to the meaning of the special cards, which we have discussed above, as well as say the word “last” when you only have one card left, otherwise you will be forced to take four new cards from the deck.

7) Half past seven

  • Objective of the game : the objective of the game is to add seven and a half with the cards in hand and those that are requested, but never exceed this value so as not to lose the game. It is a simple and agile game suitable for children from seven or eight years old.
  • Number of cards needed : for this game we will need the 40 cards from the Spanish deck.
  • Number of players : there is no limit of players, so it is perfect to enjoy it with the family.
  • Specifications : the value of the figures is half a point, while the rest of the cards have the natural value indicated in the index.

8) The broom

  • Purpose of the game : The game of ‘The broom’ or ‘Broom of 15’ has its origin in Italy, and is one of the best known card games. Its dynamics are relatively simple, but it requires agility in mental calculation, so it could be indicated for children from the age of nine . The objective is to get as many groups of cards as possible that add up to 15.
  • Number of cards needed : for this game we will need the 40 cards from the Spanish deck.
  • Number of players : two or three. If there are more players, teams of two or three people could be formed, facing each other on two sides. By allowing team play, it is perfect for family play .
  • Specifications : From one to seven, the cards are worth the natural value represented by the index. The jack is worth eight, the knight is worth nine, and the king is worth ten. In addition, we must take as a preference the suit of gold and very especially the sevens, since they score more at the end of the game.

9) The bump

  • Purpose of the game : it is a relatively simple game with fast games, but it requires agility in mental calculation and maximum concentration, for which it is more recommended for children over ten years of age . The objective is to combine the cards that I have in my hand before my opponents, by means of series of equal cards or straight flushes with correlative cards of the same suit. The Chinchón is the maximum play and consists of linking the seven cards in the hand.
  • Number of cards required : one or two complete decks of 40 or 48 cards, depending on the number of players.
  • Number of players : between two and four players, we will use a deck of cards. Between five and eight players we will use two decks.
  • Specifications : If a deck of 48 cards is used, the value of the cards is as indicated. When playing with the deck of 40 cards, the value of the figures changes, being 8 points the Jack, 9 points the Knight and 10 points the King.

10) The brisca

  • Objective of the game : the brisca is a game of tricks where the cards are not distributed in their entirety at the beginning of the game, but are taken from the deck as tricks are played. The goal is to collect more points than the opponent. It is not a particularly difficult game, but it is not easy either, so we consider that it would be more recommended for children over 11 years of age .
  • Number of cards needed : for this game we will need the 40 cards from the Spanish deck.
  • Number of players : between two and four.
  • Specifications : the value of the cards, in any of their suits, is: 11 points for the ace, 10 points for the three, 4 points for the king, 3 points for the horse and 2 points for the jack. The rest of the cards have no value, although they are necessary for the formation of tricks.

11) The Argentine trick

  • Purpose of the game : This is a very famous card game in countries like Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. In our country there is a variant called ‘Valencian Truc’ that has great similarities with the Argentine. The objective of this game is to win the number of boys (partial games) agreed at the beginning of the game. It is not an easy game, so it is recommended to play with older children, from 12 or 13 years old
  • Number of cards needed : for this game we will need the 40 cards from the Spanish deck.
  • Number of players : two players, or four, six and eight distributed by teams.
  • Specifications : There are four special cards known as brave cards and they are the top cards of the entire deck. The order of these cards, from highest to lowest, is as follows: ace of spades (espadilla), ace of clubs (bastillo), seven of spades and seven of coins (seven bravos)

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